The iDAT Blog of Mark

Welcome to my blog, set up to allow me to get ideas down onto the internet. and allow others to see what I'm all about, DAT wise, plus it helps me remember what I cant keep in my head.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Dat 101 Manefesto

Everyone should play a musical instrument

In this manefesto, i present to you the idea that everyone yin britain should play a musical instrument, i shall provide and argument for and against this point, and add my personal opinions

I feel that every british person should have the chance to play a musical instrument, be it guitar, bass, drums, or anything that could be considered a musical instrument, why do i think this?
My passion in life is music, which to me takes a priority over many things, with the exception of friends and family, and obvious things like food and shelter, My love for music is very strong, so i feel that everyone should have the chance to play an instrument, and be able to express themselves in a way which many would not consider possible, and describe their emotions and feelings through music, i personally feel that many people would benifit from music, particularly on an emotional level, as i feel that playing music should be considered a therapy, as it allows people to do something their way and exactly how they want, and then share it with others should they so wish.
playing music is like painting a picture, but where as many people do not have the skill or ability to make physical art, everyone has the potential to create sonic art through an instrument, and whether they are skilled to a high level or just starting, whatever they create will be theirs, and can be made in a short amount of time and in many cases, without a lot of skill needed.
However, it can certainly be argued that many people do not have the time or money to pick up an instrument, but to this i ask nay sayers to look at government funding, and in recent years, it seems that the arts have been widely disregarded, and now it has come to light that MPs have been claiming expenses on things which aren't in anyway essential, so i say that instead of MPs who already earn good salerys being allowed to claim everything as an expense, the government use the money to provide funding for musical instrument schemes, suh as school purchase schemes, thus allowing children to access instruments at a young age and have the chance to do something that may stay with them for life and enrich their life.
of course, there is the factor of the credit crunch, well i feel that if instruments are funded then many businesses will benefit, think of all the businesses involved in providing musical instruments, from building them, shipping, designing, making components and selling, many businesses will benefit from this. No, it wont solve the credit crunch, but with everyone being able to express themselves in a way they may not have been able to before, i feel that this may open up carreer oppurtunities for many people, and there are many examples of people who have been stuck in dead end jobs who took up a musical instrument, and then became stars, so its not impossible at all!
Overall i feel that while this may be very idealistic, i believe that if everyone played an instrument then the culture of britian would be much richer and varied that it is today, in a country where our culture is made up of aspects of others, music would set us apart from anyone else, and everyone in britain would be better off even if they only experience it once.

New Manefesto

Video games and films are not to blame!

In this manefesto i shall argue my point that murders such as the murder of James Bulger, (allegedly inspired by the film childsplay) do not mean that video games and films should be banned or censored.
Video games do not affect the majority of the audience whom they are distributed to and while these killings and crimes are very tragic, it is only a very small amount of people who commit them..
The very idea thaat children and even adults are exclusively impressionable and affected by the images shown in films and video games, admittedly there is an amount of evidence that some people do become influenmced by media such as video games and movies to an extent that they may perform some act of violence based on the events portrayed in that media, however, the amount of people who have not acted upon these things far outweigh the amount that have, and many of the people who do have eventually, under tests, been digagnosed as mentally ill, so it is no surprise that they are affected.
And then, there is is the argument that if these people are so highly affected, then surely thing such as bbc news should be banned, when they show scenes of suicide bombing and war zones, are these not worse than virtual scenes? the scene that is reality surely has much more effect than a scene that is fake? if we go to such a length to try to outlaw virtual reality, then surely we should attemp to outlaw reality which is much more horrifying due to the fatc that these things are actually happening??? the very idea of attemping to ban something intended to be entertainment is idiotic, they are meant for enjoyment, when these games and films are in production, it is not the plan to inspire mentally unstable people to go out and kill, the objective is purely to entertain, and for the very large majority, they are simply entertained, and nothing more, they do not act upon things which they are shown within this media, they simply view it and that is all. So please, i ask you, do not blame video games and Films of inspiring murders when they simply dont, the murders are down to the murderers and people who commit acts of violence, not a virtual relity world intended to entertain.

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